What if your favorite small business closed its doors
Thursday, May 04, 2017

Have you ever wondered what it would be like if your favorite small business closed its doors? The Small Business Administration defines a small business as 500 or fewer employees however of the 28 million small businesses in the US over 22 million of those are self-employed with no employees. Entrepreneurs and small business owners provide an incredible impact in the cities where they reside. How far are you willing to go keep your favorite florist, bakery, gift shop, dry cleaners, clothing store, etc. from shuttering its doors? As small business week closes out remember the theory of the 3/50 Project and commit to spending $50 monthly in the three stores you would miss the most. “Stop in, say hello and pick something up. Your purchases are what keep those businesses around. It only takes one person to start a trend.” Commit to buy local, support local and enhance your local economy. What are you waiting for?
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