Free Wing Farms Organic Chicken Facility Grows in Gonzales,Texas
Tuesday, June 07, 2022

Free Wing Farms is a new 100% Certified Organic and Certified Non-GMO feed mill and feed store in Gonzales, Texas. They specialize in poultry feeds and are expanding to other animals. They have already built a loyal following. One Facebook user wrote, “I picked up some layer mash for Seabreeze Hens. Our chickens love it! They are laying more also. Love your feed.” Other reviews include, “Great customer service and high quality feed!” and “Well run and very modern equipment.” With customers being able to pick up their feed in Gonzales, their local customer base has continued to grow.
This veteran-owned business was started by Joe Hornacky, a previous GVEC manager. When asked what inspired him to start the business, Joe said, “I retired from the military with medical benefits and pension. We had a 50 acre ranch in Shiner and wanted to live off the land. Some people approached me about raising chickens for them, which turned into a business. Through that process I saw that there was a strong need for organic feed. My partner James and decided to start an organic feed mill to fill the void.”
Once they decided to start the business they received a lot of hands on support and advice from local business leaders and the community. “We found land off 183 which is conveniently off I-10. There’s a lot of chicken houses in the area that need feed. We supply for NestFresh, a Gonzales company, and for Greener Pastures, another certified organic company in Texas. We also ship feed throughout Texas,” said Joe.
One of their goals is to keep the cost of organic feed low so that farmers and chicken producers can afford to feed their animals the best products, which will result in the best food products for families. “We sell the feed in barrels here, bringing down the price of organic feed for small family farms. Now they can go organic if they want to,” said Joe. “A 50 pound bag of our organic feed is cheaper than a 35 pound bag at the store and its generally milled that day or the day before.”
As for the future, he plans to expand the business by continuing to bring down the cost of organic feed for small farmers and by supporting their current clients. “We want to help Nestfresh grow as much as we can by putting up more chicken houses and looking at additional ways to bring our prices down. For example, we are looking at a crushing facility for soybeans,” Joe said.
Being part of the Gonzales community is strategically important for that growth. “We want to help our local farmers expand so they can grow more product for us. We get our corn locally, in Texas, south of I-10, so were helping their farm to grow year by year so they can expand their acreage.. Simultaneously, we are supporting the growth of NestFresh and they are supporting us so it’s a mutually beneficial relationship for local farmers and growers to work together,” he said.
The company is also supported by Coastal Ag. Located in nearby Seguin, the company delivers feed throughout Texas for them. “If you want to order, give us a call and we will find an affordable way to get it delivered to your doorstep,” said Joe.
Whether it’s finding ways to affordably produce and ship organic feed or learning to farm, Joe’s philosophy is simple - “If you stick with something long enough and try hard enough it generally works out.” He encourages other entrepreneurs to start out on their own and pursue their dreams in South Texas. “If you want to go out on your own and do something from start to finish, know that there are people in the community willing to help you - like local Gonzales businessman Mr. Fehner of Fehner & Sons. We could never have done it without him.”
Where to Buy Free Wing Farms Organic Chicken Feed
Local customers aren’t the only ones enjoying their organic and non-GMO products. Free Wing Farms is selling their feed in stores throughout Texas. This includes locations in Houston, Austin, Seguin, Wimberly, Arcola, and San Leon. The below store are just a sampling of where their feed can be purchased.
- Callahan's General Store - Austin, Texas
- Producers Coop - Seguin, TX
- King Feed - Wimberly, TX
- Arcola Feed & Tack, LLC - Arcola, TX
- Hieden Feed & Supply - Houston, TX
- Seabreeze Hens - San Leon, TX
You can also call (830) 460-9332 to place an order.
Category: News