Retail hopes, development well underway in Seguin
Monday, September 21, 2020
(Seguin) – It doesn’t look like the COVID-19 pandemic has shut the door on Seguin when it comes to future box stores, restaurants and retail development. During a week when the city of Seguin reported a continued decrease in unemployment numbers and a boom in housing, more retail also looks to be on the horizon. Josh Schneuker, the executive director for the Seguin Economic Development Corporation, says one of the most visible sites preparing for new business is off of State Highway 46 at what will likely be called the West Seguin Martketplace.
“That property is about 24 acres. It kind of does a little L shaped wrap around Caterpillar there at the southwest corner of 46 and C.H. Matthies. What we’ve got under construction there is a Divita. That’s going to be a dialysis clinic. There’s also going to be a Burger King and a Chicken Express that are going to be built there — that were sold. The developer that’s working on this project. He’s out from San Antonio and we’ve been working very closely with him making sure that we are connecting that developer with a lot of the prospects that we’ve been actively working to recruit to Seguin over the past several years,” said Schneuker.
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