Cuero is open for business
Saturday, October 24, 2020
As we continue to move forward and navigate through these very unique times, the Cuero community remains strong and is getting back to business. Our shops, restaurants and small businesses are open and ready for customers. Red White and Blue open flags welcome visitors as they drive through the Main Street District. In the month of September, two new businesses have opened; Inspire Boutique, 106 N. Gonzales and Sloane’s Barber Shop, 110 S. Esplanade.
The City of Cuero completed its backdoor beautification project as part of its ongoing Downtown Revitalization Project that started in 2018-2019. Improvements were made to streets, sidewalks and lighting in the 100 blocks of East and West Main Street, including beautiful landscaping. The parking lot located behind East Main Street now houses Cuero’s first EV charging station. Visitors can charge their vehicles and enjoy shopping, dining, touring one of our four museums, or a stroll viewing the art murals throughout beautiful historic downtown. The project was made possible with the support from the Cuero Development Corporation and Cuero citizen Robert Oliver. Oliver donated a dozen trees that were planted around the parking lot. Keep Cuero Beautiful awarded the city with a blue-ribbon award on Aug. 27 for the beautiful landscaping during the dedication of the EV charging station. Cuero continues to maintain that hometown charm with modern amenities.
Category: News