TLU named among the top colleges in which to work for TLU, a 2020 Great Colleges to Work For® by ModernThink
Tuesday, September 22, 2020
(Seguin) – TLU is happy to announce another accolade on the heels of its U.S. News recognition. For the ninth consecutive year, Texas Lutheran University (TLU) is again one of the nation’s great colleges to work for according to a survey by ModernThink. TLU officials say the Great Colleges to Work For® survey is one of the largest and most respected workplace recognition programs in the country. Now in its 13th year, it recognizes colleges that get top ratings from their employees regarding workplace practices and policies.
Of the 221 institutions that participated, 79 were recognized as a 2020 “Great College to Work For” and only 42 were selected for the Honor Roll, including TLU. TLU officials say this is also the seventh year in a row TLU has received an Honor Roll designation. Results of this survey are reported for small, medium, and large institutions, with TLU included among the small universities with 2,999 students or fewer.
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